Digital Marketing

Importance of Having a Blog

Sep 23, 2022
min reading

The internet has transformed the way we communicate and share information with people. With over 4 billion users connecting to the digital world, businesses have begun to utilize the vast opportunities and benefits the internet has to offer. With more and more potential customers searching for products and services online, the competition has become more brutal as businesses try to stay on top of the game.

So how will you take yours to the next level and strengthen your site’s authority and credibility?

The answer is right at your fingertips.

Step up your marketing strategy and produce meaningful content using blogs.

What is a Blog?

According to Hubspot, a blog is a website or webpage that is updated frequently and aims to share information for personal or business-related reasons. There is a blog out there for nearly every interest, and blogs can be personalized depending on what the writer wants in terms of content. Blogs can be used as a business marketing tool or used to boost personal opinions and views. Are you still irritated about that movie that didn’t end the way you wanted it to? Maybe you have a strong opinion about the fact that your neighbor won’t stop mowing the lawn at 3 in the morning. Good news—you can use a blog for this!  If your blog is popular enough and attracts a wide enough audience, you can profit from the views through sponsorships and advertisements. It’s almost like getting paid for your opinion, which is a pretty sweet deal.

Why It's Essential for Your Business

  • Blogs drive traffic to your website. With each blog post, you can link your business page, and interested readers will click and see what your business has to offer. Keep the people interested! This increased traffic will lead to a higher probability of sales. According to American Express, here are some of the easiest ways to gain traffic on your blog:

Write regularly. The more you update your blog, the more traffic it will receive. This is because Google gives the highest priority to websites with the newest content. If you want to get more attention from search engines, make sure you update your blog regularly. Nobody wants to click on the crusty old blog that hasn’t been updated since 2000. Make sure to stay on top of your updates!

Utilize social media. Promote your blog on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, or any other social media platform of your choice. Many blog readers are led to the blog through social media interest, so don’t forget to pair your social media accounts with your blog to locate more readers.

○  Include photos. Photos visually engage the reader and encourage them to keep reading the blog post. You can also find ways to assign keywords to your photos and optimize those keywords for SEO. This means that your photos alone could lead people to your blog through search engine results. Don’t shy away from those visual gems! They’re needed to capture everyone’s attention.

  • A blog can generate leads. One of the best aspects of having a blog is that it can bring in leads, which are potential clients that can turn into regular customers. Regular customers are one of the best things you can have! According to inSegment, here are a few ways to utilize your blog for lead generation:

Review how messaging works on your homepage. Your homepage is the page that all potential readers find first. This page should make the biggest impact. Make sure you explain what your business offers, and review what the message of your homepage is. Show readers why you stand out from your competitors. Adding a picture will draw people in and improve your chances of them staying on your blog to read more content.

Offer free reports or guides. By offering these, users will be able to download your resources (usually after filling out a form). You could also take some how-to articles from your website and create an eBook for your customers. Free resources are one of the best ways to generate leads. Even if the customer doesn’t need it, there’s a chance they’ll download it, because who doesn’t love free stuff?

Make sure your content is useful. If you want a lot of traffic and plenty of leads, it is important to put the best content possible on your blog. Search engines will reward sites that have original content. Create original content, provide good answers and solutions, and eliminate any fluffy filler words that aren’t necessary. You don’t need a blog that drones on and on and on… that type of writing will get you nowhere!

  • Bring in more viewers by improving search engine optimization. Your blog attracts potential customers, so make sure you bring in every customer possible with search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is when you upgrade your content with keywords that will trigger a higher standing on search engine results. If you aren’t sure where to start in terms of adding more keywords to your content, try out keyword generators like Wordstream. They will help you see what words rank highest in search engines and use them in your blog.
  • Blogs build your brand and credibility. According to Amsive Digital, blogs help the reader create bonds with the writer, and this adds credibility to your brand. Blogging assists you in spreading the word about your brand, strengthening it, and building it up over time. Imagine how awesome it will be when people begin to recognize your brand!
  • Blogs allow you to advertise and share meaningful content. Blogs are the perfect space for advertising every product you have while sharing meaningful content that can help readers. People are looking for answers when they are out there reading on the web. Help them out and share some of your tips and tricks!
  • Blogs keep your audience engaged. Blogs are easy to read and entertaining for an audience. Blogs will keep them reading longer than a boring article. Use blogs to your advantage by keeping your audience hooked. Let your personality shine through and enjoy yourself!
  • Blogs help you earn and build backlinks. According to Backlinko, backlinks are links from one website page that lead to another web page. Google considers backlinks as “votes” for a page. The more backlinks you have, the higher your rating will be when it comes to search engine results. Backlink “votes” show people that your blog is credible and full of good information. Having a solid blog can lead to more backlinks, which leads to more traffic on your part.

Where You Can Start A Blog

Do you suck at web development? What if you don’t even know what CSS even is? That’s totally fine! There are plenty of websites that can assist you when it comes to blog building and development. Check out some of our top picks below.

  • Webflow: Webflow allows users to create beautifully designed websites, even if you have no development experience. No coding is needed. With Webflow Designer, you can build any webpage you can imagine, using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. You can get started for free!
  • Hubspot CMS: Hubspot has a live HubBot that can help you with any specific questions when building your website. There are a variety of different plans, including a free plan. Hubspot includes hosting, awesome themes, drag-and-drop page editing, and more.
  • Wordpress: Wordpress is the world’s most popular and well-known blog builder. Wordpress has millions of users and offers an easy, free webpage builder. No code is required, so you don’t need any coding experience to operate it.

Start Publishing Your Blog Today!

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Writing a blog post with meaningful and engaging content can be challenging, but it's worth the trouble. Imagine all the possible rewards you can earn from creating your blog–the traffic, leads, engagement, and site credibility. You might even be friends with Google and rank higher on SERPs using the right keywords for your content! But we understand if you just don’t have the time and knack for writing. That is why Locus Digital is here to help.

From creative design to digital marketing, we have the expertise and resources available to transform your blog. We love working with others and we are dedicated to helping you out! Reach out to us today for a free consultation, and begin your journey with your evolving business!

Abe Rubarts

Abe Rubarts

As a digital marketing strategist and top-rated consultant with over 15 years of experience, Abe Rubarts is on a mission to make the internet more fun for everyone. With his background in tech, sales, customer service, and advertising, this personal growth expert Knows What You're Going Through! Abe loves helping busy people like YOU figure out your next step forward - whether that's building an audience or making money online. And he does it all through strategic planning; providing guidance while keeping things fresh & exciting so you stay motivated every day.

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Abe Rubarts

The CEO a.k.a. cat herder of Locus Digital, a digital marketing agency in Austin, Texas. He’s been in the industry for over 10 years. He’s great at herding cats, but it doesn’t come without his fair share of scratches - to which you don’t have to experience when you need his help.

He’s an expert on all things internet, including but not limited to: SEO/SEM, content creation, 2D/3D Animation, PPC and more! He has led dozens of successful projects for clients like Graham Holdings, Forney, Mitel, Indigo Workplace, and and more.

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