What to Look for in a Dallas SEO Company: On Content and Optimization
Search Engine Optimization is an ever evolving and expanding field of online marketing, and it changes just about as fast as Google improves upon its algorithm. In the latest system, the search engine giant wants your trusted Dallas SEO company to focus its SEO efforts in creating quality content rather than in conjuring clever tactics to get your website crawling up the search engine pages.
Content that Bridges
The reason is simple and clear enough: Website content serves as a more reliable bridge to connect your customers, actual and potential, to your company. Through honest, informative, and dynamic information exchanges, customers find a venue in which they can find out more and relate to your products and services.
Content with Heart
Quality content makes for enjoyable and productive reading, beyond the usual promotional texts and sales pitches. If you aspire to put a ‘human face’ in your content, you are very likely doing your SEO marketing right, as this article from Social Media Today explains:
“Real stories, real storytelling, actually getting to the humanity of something, rather than corporate messaging. All businesses affect the lives of real people, many in very positive ways, and these stories are gold. They are not only great to tell, but they show the genuine passion of your brand.”
Content with Ears
Actively communicating with your customers will ensure your site’s visitors that you are more than just a corporate robot that entirely runs on ads and promotions. Your website should allow for an interactive customer relations dynamic—a comment or feedback box, for example—to get people involved, as well as to get a pulse on what your target customers want. Social media sites are perfect portals for this enterprise.
The great thing about excellent Dallas search engine optimization companies like Locus Visual Arts is that they are geared towards customer-friendly content. This way, you aren’t just giving your website a boost in Google’s rankings, you are also offering a reason for people who visit your site to stay, browse longer, consider what you’re offering, and finally, buying your products.
(Source: Protect your business: The Benefits of Quality Content and Genuine Social Engagement, Social Media Today)